May 31, 2023 / 5 mins read
Argyle Elementary School held a Bike Rodeo in May which was designed to teach bike safety to kids, but was also going to be a giveaway to get bikes to kids who didn’t have any.
First, we were lucky enough to have 14 new bikes donated to us, some were working, and others needed minor parts. We repaired them all!
We then ordered 30 more in different sizes so 5 bikes could be given out for each grade level at the school. Some of those came assembled, some we unboxed and got them ready.
It turned out to be a great day, many of the kids at the rodeo got a bike, they learned bike safety, and another organization got them helmets too!!
The 14 bikes we had donated to us…
The boxes started coming….
… and coming….
So colorful….
Store them away, the first few…
..and a few more…
.. and a few more bigger ones…
… and a few more…
Our volunteer Carlos putting some of them together…
Volunteers Doug and Carlos smiling… because they are done and (barely) fit in storage
Argyle Elementary Bike Rodeo