June 26, 2022 / 5 mins read
Life Roads is excited to be partnering with Cobb County schools (Georgia).
All schools in Cobb Co GA
LIfe Roads provided backpacks, paper supplies, crayons and markers, calculators, glue, and other supplies for the needs of kids to start and during the school year.
Further, we are providing UBER cards to the school district to help parents with transportation needs getting to the schools when necessary.
Timing? DELIVERED AUGUST 5!!! See pictures below.
How you can help?
Cash contributions can be made by clicking here. We purchased what you see in the pictures but want to be able to provide additional supplies through the year as well.
Life Roads Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non profit and all donations are tax deductible.
Life Roads Fall Backpack Drive
Organizing the supplies
Packing up:
Delivering to the social workers for the schools:
It was a blessing chatting with these hard working people. They have such a heart for the kids and helping them have a great experience.
The AFTER picture! All supplies on their way to students!